
Top 10 Web Design Tips

web design tips

1. Have a strong, clear brand Your web site should pitch the image you would like the world to see. A great web designer could control what sort of image the world will see. In terms of physical design, this means placing your logo or underlying message in the top left-hand corner (the part of […]

Questions about HBHostings old/new web hosting plans and web design!

It is Dan here from HBHosting, I just wanted to clarify some questions we have been receiving about the new website design, web hosting plans and the old web hosting plans. Q1. How do I access my client portal? A1. https://hbhosting.com.au/clientarea/clientarea.php Q2. Will my web hosting plan increase/decrease with the new plans? A2. No, the […]

How To Prepare For A Server Migration?

information transfer

Server migrations are a complicated process that requires a lot of preparation. There are many reasons a website owner may decide to migrate to a different hosting provider. One of which is that the business is growing that shared hosting plan and the company they are with do not offer the right upgrade, or the […]

New Web Hosting Plans

Today we are proud to announce we have released a new set of hosting packages for businesses, small blogs and forums. These hosting packages provide greater Disc and Bandwidth allowance, as well as higher Cloudlinux CPU and RAM limits, plus some extra perks. Check out the new plans at https://hbhosting.com.au/australian-cpanel-web-hosting/ Following on our aim to […]


Australia's Best VPS servers Coming Soon!

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