Paypal IPN points to wrong WHMCS URL!

It can get frustrating at times when you move you WHMCS folder or any other billing platform that uses PayPal recurring payments. Especially when using Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) through PayPal. This is due to the fact that you can not update their old subscription addresses without cancelling them and getting the people to start […]
How to change your PHP version in cPanel Hosting

How to change your PHP version in cPanel Hosting Our cPanel servers support PHP versions 5.2 through to 5.6 and 7.4. Login to the HBHosting Client Area Select services and click the domain name you want to change. Click cPanel Scroll down to Software/Services and click [Select PHP Version] On the top left-hand side, choose […]
How To Increase Website Visitors

How To Increase Website Visitors? This is a question we get asked on the daily by almost all of our clients. People visit or leave your website for a reason. When people visit, it means they are interested in the products or services your company wants to offer. Some website owners invest in making sure […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Create a Website that Sells!

Most people find a business through a business’s website. Whether you are selling your products or want information regarding any product, you need to fetch information from somewhere, most commonly the internet. If you are a buyer, you want someone to tell you the information and details about the product that you are buying. You […]
Steps To Retrieving A Hacked Website

Is Following The Latest Web Design Trends Necessary?

Website owners make it a habit to update their web design to ensure that the style is in season. While there are free themes available to install, the designs that fit your brand’s personality will require you to shell out some cash. When there is money involved, it is important to think things over before […]
10 Simple Steps for a Successful Brand Building Process

Make no mistake about it; a recognisable and lovable brand image is the most valuable asset a business can have. According to a Nielson survey, 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them. Think about it. When you buy running shoes, you will go to the same few businesses and rarely […]